Burial Agency

In Tsukihime, an assembly of the Catholic Church’s inquisitors.
Not exorcists who cast out devils, but executors who strike them down.
A perfect meritocracy, as anybody with the ability to dispose of those things the Church finds inconvenient can become a member—even those who are believers in name only.
…Well, it seems they’ll baptize you when you join, and the pay isn’t too bad either.
The agency is composed of seven members including Narbareck, and one reserve member making for a total of eight. They always work alone, and under no circumstances will they cooperate with the demon hunters of other countries.
As they possess absolute authority, there are times when they will defy even the wishes of the Church itself to stamp out heresy.
For instance, even if it’s an archbishop, if he has been possessed by a devil they have the power and authority to skewer him on the spot.
…It’s no wonder, then, that there are whispers within the Church that the agency itself is a heresy.
Arcueid often receives requests from the Church, and has cooperated with them on numerous occasions to exterminate Dead Apostles. Nevertheless, if she ever showed even the slightest opening, the Burial Agency would move to seal her without a second thought.

Tsukihime Data Collection: Tsukihime Dictionary

The Inquisitors of the Church who were given special privileges. However, since they were not actually responsible for stamping out heresy, they were also called Executors or killers.
Their policies had always been “shoot first and report later.”
Faith was secondary, the only necessity for the job was the power to obliterate the heretical.
From the outside, it seemed like the ranks of the Burial Agency was filled with magi who loved to explore the taboo, people who enjoyed enslaving the captured heretics, gun nuts, and maniacs with insatiable bloodlust.
It consisted of seven members, with one on reserve.
The reserved member was always an exceptional candidate from the Church, but it kept changing because the person kept dying during missions.

Yoi No Myoujou: Talk.

The Holy Church’s expert inquisitors.
Not exorcists who cast out devils, but executors who strike them down.
A perfect meritocracy, as anybody with the ability to dispose of those things the Church finds inconvenient can become a member.
…Well, it seems they’ll baptize you when you join, and the pay isn’t too bad either. The agency is composed of seven members including Narbareck, and one reserve member making for a total of eight.
They always work alone, and under no circumstances will they cooperate with the demon hunters of other countries. As they possess absolute authority, there are times when they will defy even the wishes of the Church itself to stamp out heresy. For instance, even if it’s an archbishop, if he has been possessed by a devil they have the power and authority to skewer him on the spot. It’s no wonder, then, that there are whispers within the Church that the agency itself is a heresy.
Arcueid often receives requests from the Church, and has cooperated with them on numerous occasions to exterminate Dead Apostles. Nevertheless, if she ever showed even the slightest opening, the Burial Agency would move to seal her without a second thought.
Also, two of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, Merem Solomon and El Nahat, are cooperating with them. Though it looks as if they are both being forced to do so, the true reasons for that are unknown.

Tsukihime Dokuhon Plus Period: Tsukihime Dictionary Revised

A branch of the Holy Church. A group of Executor responsible for the inquisition of heretics.
They were not Exorcists who repelled Demons, but executioners of the Demonic.
They never worked with Demon hunting organizations of any nations, and its members frequently operated alone.
The Burial Agency favored raw power above all. If an individual possessed powers that could vanquish difficult foes of the Church, he/she would be welcomed without any consideration of his status. The Agency consisted of eight members. This included seven members led by Chief Narbareck, as well as one reserve member.

Character Material: Prelude Explanation

The Holy Church’s expert inquisitors.
Not exorcists who cast out devils, but executors who strike them down.
A perfect meritocracy, anybody with the ability to dispose of those truths the Church finds inconvenient can join. The agency is composed of seven members including the director Narbareck, and one reserve member making for a total of eight.
They always work alone, and under no circumstances will they cooperate with the demon hunters of other countries. As they possess absolute authority, there are times when they will defy even the wishes of the Church itself to stamp out heresy.
Arcueid often receives requests from the Church, and has cooperated with them on numerous occasions to exterminate Fallen Ancestors. Nevertheless, if she ever showed even the slightest opening, the Burial Agency would move to seal her without a second thought.

MB Act Cadenza PS2 Manual: Tsukihime Dictionary

An organization that attracts people who have unusual tastes. Currently, a certain Executor apprentice is at her wits’ end after being ordered to take care of an object that may or may not be real, that is rumored to have been “conceived by some magus” and that may or may not be bad news for the Church.

HibiChika Complete Capture Book: Mahou Tsukai no Hako Small Encyclopedia

Fighting force made up of the strongest available to the Church.

MB Back Alley Alliance Nightmare: Encyclopedia of Rojiura Nightmare

A secret department of the “Holy Church,” a major religious organization in Europe. Assigned the inconspicuous name Burial Agency.
It consists of seven combat agents, called Executors, who have been assigned the duty of “executing the teachings of the Lord by the hands of humans.”
An extraterritoriality within the Holy Church, in exchange for not vying for power within the organization, Executors are not fettered by the Holy Church’s authority. A moving ordnance department. An enforcement squad with a small number of agents. They are in charge of the extermination of the “inhuman beings” recognized by the Church as heretics who can never come out in public ——— vampires.
Ciel is the seventh Executor of the Burial Agency, and has the title of “Bow.”

Tsukihime Material I: Tsukihime Work Glossary