Spiritron Composition

Ryoushi Kouzou. Also known as Soul Qualia.
Within cyberspace the form of things changes very easily.
Within SE.RA.PH where the flow of time is not constant, there are no stable, fixed values.
However, regardless of the form and appearance that is taken, there are still things that don’t change.
That unchanging thing is the “meaning” of the existence of the soul which lies in a higher dimension.
Spiritron structure is defined based on the soul and represents the soul’s “true essence.” Intelligent lifeforms… Wizards for the most part, connect strongly with their spiritron structure, and have “their own appearance”1 even within cyberspace.

Translator’s Notes
  1. ^ Here, “their own appearance” means their real world human appearance, which is too difficult for low level (non-wizard) hackers to maintain. Although there are some exceptions where a wizard takes on an alternate appearance which is not their own.
Fate/EXTRA Material: Encyclopedia of Fate/EXTRA