Svin Glascheit

One half of the El-Melloi Classroom’s legendary duo.
His elemental affinity is Fire, but it’s been somewhat changed. His specialty in magecraft is Regression.
Many believed that if it were not for Flat, he would be an entirely ordinary person, but with Gray’s arrival that illusion was put to rest. The incident that made the El-Melloi Classroom aware that their title of legendary pair extended to their weirdness was one month before the Adra incident.
Magecraft that borrows the abilities of animals exists all over the world, but the Glascheit family’s strain of magecraft is rather eccentric. It functions not by drawing out a powerful bestial nature, but by transforming oneself wholesale into an animal. Nerves, muscles, bones, and even the cerebrum are rebuilt in a process rivaling the theoretically extinct werewolves.
Speaking from the conclusion, rather than a magus, it would be more accurate to describe Svin Glascheit as a vessel for magecraft. That was why he became so captivated by Gray, who was similarly created to be a vessel for a past hero.
This is, in a certain sense, similar to Karabo, who was constantly being overtaken by the memories of others due to his Mystic Eyes. Having managed to overcome this unique facet of his nature, if Svin had come to meet Karabo at some point, perhaps he could have given him some advice.
Within the story, Svin acquired the rank of Pride. This is not just an acknowledgement of his personal abilities, but Svin himself, who was the crystallization of the Glascheit family’s research, was also taken into consideration. On top of that, having achieved the rank in his teens is a feat rarely seen in the Clock Tower, so it was understandable for El-Melloi II to be struck by such deep feelings on that occasion.

Lord El-Melloi II Case Files material: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Glossary